Sunday, August 18, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Collage pt. 2

Welcome to “Off the ‘Spice’ Rack….” with Cheetahkit :D

…..before it was just called Tuesday’s Discussions, but y’know with the move, new name and all; it seems like a good opportunity.

This week, we’re gonna double back to retail; so brace yourself again for a LONG debate——

We’ve already touched on the subject of our jobs and how they can piss us off however it’s worth repeating again for these situations. I mean, we all have asshole bosses and we think we can do their jobs SO much better than them; but as I plan to have my own business in the future —- the mindset has shifted….but that doesn’t mean that some decisions made are done with “intelligence” as the case at my job when three (3) supervisor positions opened up.
One of those I had applied for and was passed because according to them, I was “insufficient” in other areas of the store. Apparently, they forgot that a person can do anything asked if they were in those areas more often. In a certain part of the building, I hadn’t worked there since winter of last year; so of course my skills are limited.

My point is this, I may not have gotten that position but that’s not why I’m still going on about it. The situation was that an employee, who does nothing but complain about the task given and also doesn’t help others with their sections yet whines when she herself doesn’t get help; is now one of the new supervisors.
Either she gives good blow jobs or something else is going on.

Many of our capable workers that were not even acknowledged in their efforts have quit because people like this “child” reap the benefits by kissing ass and taking her co-worker’s hours plus claiming their achievements as her idea {we also have another boss who does that as well}. One of the most annoying things in ANY job is being overlooked when one busts their ass as representatives of a business and only handed a cookie once in a blue moon.
Here are some more “Class Acts” on the subject.

Let’s start with~
Retailers Track Employee Thefts in Vast Databases [Article]

Not only does this cause problems for corporate, it affects us as well. Bad enough violence ensues due to dumb shit like one ass ate someone else’s lunch {true story, no BS} or one member of a certain race setting the rest of us back cuz they don’t wanna work {you know the one….}; this is another worry that effects EVERYONE in some way —- most is from the decrease of our pay.
Case in point, keeping tabs on ANY misdemeanors and broken laws —- already had eight people steal from my job that, in my opinion wasn’t worth the $100 pieces of jewelry. In the long run, these kids will have this shit on their record; guaranteeing they will have difficulty getting any employment if at all.
And THIS is why we all suffer!
If you look in the minority in regards to race as I had stated, anyone in relation it them in ANY way, we’re automatically dubbed as thieves and no longer trustworthy. Then there’s the “children” we gave the responsibility to learn about the real world.
Blame the older generation for not doing ‘background checks’ to the 4th grade.

Moving on~
Why You Can’t Fire Employees for Complaining On Facebook [Article]

The gist of this was that everyone has their own opinion about another person’s work-ethnics {or lack thereof} and are ALLOWED to express it on social networks like Twitter, FB, LinkedIn, Google+ and so on as stated in the National Labor Relations Act and backed up by the National Labor Relations Board. What pissed me off about this is that so-called ‘protection’ from being fired will only work in your favor —— if you have X amount of people posting their own comments about the subject {must be positive} as well as “like” the post.

I was called to my boss’ office with one of his second-in-command flunkies for comments exchanged by me and another co-worker about his “intelligence” and if he had bothered to use his ears {other than frame his face}, he would take the advice from people who DO see what’s happening on a regular basis.

No, we weren’t fired {believe me….you would know it} but the other co-worker was trying to sweet-talk her way out of the situation by explaining our actions; she should have realized that you can’t reason with an Adult running on the mentality of a toddler.
And on the dime, he throws a tantrum saying what he has done for the staff {cooked ONCE and he should be branded as a national hero in our eyes *pfft*} then tells my co-worker to improve her attitude like he didn’t just verbally wail on her for a good 20mins.

My point as I had stated before is EVERYONE talks about EVERYONE!
He’s the damn boss and he’s thin-skinned if he can’t take constructed criticism. I guarantee that about a third of the people I work with talk about me {good AND bad} but as quoted by Nicki Minaj, I “don’t’ give two shits”.

Another incident involving the web~
TV reporter fired over blog ‘didn’t think it would come to this’ [Article/Video]

Shea Allen, an evening news fixture of ABC affiliate WAAY in Huntsville, Alabama decided to lay down her love for her job and the employees, boss and a bunch of other crap she had to get off her chest.
Her methods were that of YT and a personal blog.
Miss Allen had quoted that she was being “snarky and funny” and “didn’t think it would come to this”.
That is B — S!!
She knew good and well what she was doing, don’t hand me that!
Why would you say that you’re:

“frightened of old people and refuses to do stories involving them”,

“best sources have a secret crush on her”,

“gone without a bra during a live report — and no one noticed.”

And plus uploading a video with the contents on her admitting on ‘time-stealing’ THEN put it on the web that a least 300,000,000 people will come across in some way.


And the last douche in the work force~
She was fired for being ‘irresistible’ [Video]

You read it right.
This woman was the best in her field but was dismissed from her job because she “supposedly” was threatening her boss’ personal life just by being there. I think that the ‘good dentist’ got spurned by her and couldn’t handle it.

She did take it to court in case you’re wondering —- with very little result since the court favored the dentist. Don’t get me started on it, if you want to see it for yourself; here’s the link:

Thanks for reading the new “Off the ‘Spice’ rack” :D
Hoped you enjoyed this, normally my collages are more random.
Due to the new move, I’m afraid that we can’t release the merchandise as of yet until we get 3,000 ‘likes’ again. By that time, we should get the kinks out of the catalog plus you guys will have the option on donations —- in exchange for a percentage off your purchases.

Huh! :)

See ya on Thursday for Frankie D’s “Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama”.

Keep it spicy all week!

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