Sunday, August 4, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Dumping Spouses through today's Technology

This discussion’s gonna be a little short and yeah, I know we already covered this subject on how some men/women are asses ---- but these I couldn’t ignore once I spotted them.
I also know that this news is pretty old; however, my original topic is now a mixed issue.

Before we start up this segment, the DL on this is the fact that most of us take the coward’s way out in regards to messy situations {like getting fired by telephone ---- no, I won’t let that shit go to this very day}. Here are two (2) stories I think you fans should take to heart NOT to do the next time you want out of a relationship~

Real Housewives’ Star’s Divorce Debacle on Twitter [Article/Video]

THIS is the fucked up world we live in --- this dude was so scared of his newly ex’s reaction, he can’t even do it in person!
It’s exactly like getting dumped via text message, email or ‘snail mail’ {not that anyone writes others using pen and paper, I think I’m one of the few that not only does but can do cursive; which is rare too}.
Apparently, Miss Porsha Stewart [hope she x’s the last name sometime soon] got the “bad news” from not only that site, but her sister; who had first read it.
….It gets better.
Like a true MF, the dude was IN THE OTHER ROOM in the same house when she had gotten the news.
Looks like the NFL dud can’t handle oppositions and confrontation; I’d know what I would’ve done if I got sucker punched like that and had found out from a relative…..although, Porsha’s solution is satisfactory; she should’ve done A LOT more.

And speaking of divorce, this one’s gonna have you rethink on calling outside help~

Pennsylvanian woman cited for calling 911 seeking divorce [Article]

Oh, yeah. Here’s a REAL winner.
Because your husband of some-odd-years disagrees with you on something, you go and call the cops on an assault charge --- at least, that’s what I’m assuming seeing as how quick they got there.
I mean, how fucking dumb are you to ask for a separation by calling an emergency number?
What was she on when she thought of this!
Not much to say on this except to keep her on her meds till she stops seeing red over a stupid argument.

I know that sometimes couples don’t see eye to eye and it can be frustrating with a dash of murderous intent, but there are ways to end it that don’t involve playing the game “telephone” or hearing from another party. I personally don’t like people being up in my business ---- especially if it’s between my man and me.
Also, why bring the drama to something that’s already dead?

Dating = Freedom
Because if you think about it, it’s easier to call it quits and move one this way w/o the legal paperwork. That’s why I’m still taking my time. To other’s I’m either a prude {for those who don’t know or don’t care to know me} or extremely cautious. Due to upbringing and terrifying experiences that my Ma and Nana went through as children, it might take a while.
So for those who think with their “clocks” or the pressure from family and friends; if you want that dream of a life-long commitment, WAIT!

Last reminder, fans!
This Thursday, Being Real is bumped to next week for this month’s Fashion Tip,
“WTF?!” will go on as scheduled,
And proceedings of our merchandise are underway since reaching our goal of 3,000 “likes”.

Nothing will be revealed as of yet, so you still have time for requests.
So far we’re at Hats, Key chains and Pens. What do you wanna see?

See you on Thursday! 

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