Saturday, March 9, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Legalized Pot

CK: Just when I thought I heard it all….

FD: For those who have been keeping up with news on if and when we can use marijuana without penalty, you can rest at ease knowing that at least 2 states are on board with the idea.

CK: In both Colorado and Washington, pot users can breathe easy [so to speak]….with one little snag.

FD: Apparently, growing it is a whole other story.
Though both states have allowed the distribution and usage of the drug, a federal law was issued that anyone found teaching how to make it will be severely punished. Even master gardeners and university professors were barred from it.

CK: --- But, what are rules if not meant to be bent; am I right? ;)
The universities may have added that policy for the students on campus and was banned entirely in Washington; however, Colorado finds a loop hole in the law.
Because of it, the citizens are allowed the maximum of six (6) marijuana plants per household. They also must be done on private property and NOT in view of the public eye.

FD:   Legalized Pot = Lets Light, Bitches!!!
That’s what I think about when someone even mentions it.

CK: So you’re basically against this?

FD: I just think it’s a way for ‘pot heads’ to try to smoke some more.
If a person is sick [i.e. Glaucoma] and has been given a prescription by a doctor to smoke it, I think it’s up to the person to make that choice about smoking it ---
But since it IS legalized, I’m worried about all those who are going to try to take advantage of the law and smoke it every day.

CK: As well as you should be.
According to the article, some of the amateurs had found two entrepreneurs who had classes at their own risk; a proposition that works well with the current users of pot. They now can save their little ‘mad money’ for supplies like soil and plant pots.

FD: Never satisfied :(
People should just leave the drugs alone unless it’s for their actual health; a doctor giving them orders to take something that is going to help them get better so I’m not bashing people who use pot for medical reasons.
How about your take on the drug itself, Cheetah?

CK: Truth, I’m on the fence.
I know some family members and friends who use it on the regular; even my college roommate experimented with it and other shit that it’s a miracle she still had her nerves still intact. As for me using it, never --- mainly cuz I already have the aftermath of one using cigarettes as a stress reliever. Why would I want to ruin my lungs even further, y’know?

FD: I hear ya.
Pot is a stimulant that can have a good or bad effect on people. Personally, I can live without pot [and others can too if they just put it down and walk away] and I believe that it should be regulated by the FDA; there can be so many dangerous things that can happen like pain and death if people ignored the hazards.

CK: Ok, we know THIS topic will be hard to ignore this time.
Have an opinion? Put it in comments at the end of this posting & we’ll see how many people agree with your POV.
Same thing goes with ours, speak calmly though; cuz if I find any flames we’ll take them off the page.
Then your sensibility as a human being comes into question.

FD: Ignore her.
If you got a topic of your own you would like to touch base on, send them to ---

Make sure in the subject line, you put the word “topics”.
No subject = ‘spam’

CK: Or ‘virus’
Hoped you enjoyed our discussion. Make sure you show up next week.

CK + FD: ALWAYS keep it real!

I almost forgot, Brian and Stewie from FAMILY GUY would like to say a few words before we sign off ;)

and sorry for the poor quality


  1. This Just In:
    Pot Vending Machines in San Diego!



