Tuesday, March 12, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Gay Rights & The Workforce

CK: Before we start our discussion today, we dedicate this post to~ 

Mr. Tonie Montana,
Mr. Levi Bradshaw,
Miss Nyctea Scandiaca,
and our friends at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

Recently, as I was promoting more people at our local colleges; I had happened to come across a table bringing up an issue that’s not only tossed back and forth, but it’s also a VERY touchy subject [along w/ Politics, Racism, Sexism (which I have ACTUALLY been accused of since starting this blog) and the like and had vowed NEVER to talk about these things]. However, this time; I’m breaking that rule.

FD: When Cheetah came to me with our new topic last week and told me about it was like --- DAMN.
And here I thought the human race could sink no lower :(

CK: I went on HRC after I had found out that a percentage of people in the work place that are either Gays, Lesbians, or Transvestites are being FIRED because of it!
Ok, bad enough that us blacks are being targeted due to a stereotypical lazy work ethnic [FYI, not all of that’s true~ only SOME of us are, and yet we’re still lumped together]; but I have many intelligent and talented friends throughout my lifetime, some didn’t stick around but the point is that most of those friends were GAY and LESBIAN.
My heart out to the “Trannies”, love you all but the closest I ever gotten to one is a class project researching “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and “The Theatre of the Ridiculous”.
Give it time :)

FD: My thoughts~
Leave these people alone! They are not doing any harm to anyone.
Also, letting them get married in any state in this country isn’t the end of the world. Grow up and move on! There are more serious issues to deal with than same sex marriage. If it’s that big a deal then go live under a rock --- it’s going to happen sooner or later, might as well get used to it; if you don’t like it, then “oh the FUCK well!”

CK: Right!
Half the time, I think most of the human race in the “genius and creative” department goes to our outspoken men and women that just HAPPEN to like their own gender. Because of them, we wouldn’t have interesting playwrights and movie buffs.

FD: Exactly! If same sex couples can work, teach, learn AND fight, then they can marry.
All I know is that I don’t see any issues with it personally; the constitution is supposed to protect all people rights and the L/G/B/T community is just as human as the rest of us. There’s nothing wrong with them, but there IS something wrong with you hating people who are different from you.

CK: So, what’s your vote on it, Frankie? You in agreement?

FD: I am TOTALLY for same sex marriage.
If that ticks people off, get over it and get over yourself! Stop hating and start loving because you never know when you need someone's help and they could be gay.

CK: What about your thoughts about 34% of Gays/Lesbians/Transvestites in the workforce being fired because of who they are?

FD: Ok, seriously?!
If they are the most qualified, then leave them alone. I don’t give a rat ass if someone is gay, lesbian, bisexual OR transvestites.
They need to work and pay bills too.
In my opinion, they should sue --- just because a woman loves a woman, a man loves a man and someone got there sex changed; it shouldn’t be a deal breaker for their careers. No one should be fired over their sexuality, its wrong!
I say stand up for your rights and take charge.

CK: And all those who do support the cause, head over to the Human Rights Campaign at www.hrc.org to donate. You have the choice of giving once or monthly and to get updates to future debates and issues, you can check out their blogs.
Tell them K.I.R. sent ya ;)

FD: We’re gonna wrap this up for now, but if you want to make your comments; leave them at the bottom of this post.

CK: If you want to recommend a new topic or something else that is unjust, look on our page for our emails.
We are also located on blogspot.com if you can’t be on FB 24/7 ;)

FD: ALWAYS keep it real!

CK: Peace!


  1. http://gorillavid.in/yed3n2j7xs83

  2. From Jamoris J Cudder Vincent~
    Still waiting....


  3. Here's some news:
    Just moments ago, Delaware became the second state in five days to pass marriage equality – and the governor will soon sign it into law :)

  4. Minnesota just passed marriage equality, becoming the third state in just 11 days to decide to treat all love equally.

  5. Check out what I just received today on this subject:

    "Kimya has a Master's degree and almost two decades of experience as a social worker. She was an upstanding employee at a long-term care facility in Michigan, where she looked after patients with dementia and Alzheimer's. Like many lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, she faced slurs and harassment at work – but she still loved her job.

    Then one day, out of nowhere, she was fired. Her bosses actually told her, "This would not be happening if you were not a lesbian."

    In 29 states, no state law protects workers like Kimya from being called into a boss's office and getting handed a pink slip for no other reason than their sexual orientation. The same is true in 33 states for transgender employees. There's still no federal law to prevent this damaging discrimination."

    ....if you think this is wrong, join the HRC fight today!
