Saturday, September 28, 2013

TSE's LOL ~ Yugioh/Lonely Island

Welcome to our 1st showing of a new replacement~


For the record, things don’t go the way you planned in life and this is NOW that reflection on our posts hitting snags to a point that we have to beat them with a stick in order for them to work {we’re perfectionists —- enough said}.
Also, we won’t be as ‘chatty’ when we update this replacement; we’re just doing this now to give you the 411.

Here’s today’s selection, coming from Little Kuriboh~

Any Yu-Gi-Oh or LK fan will love to have this in their ‘favorites’ ;)
For more LOL moments on the daily, find us on Twitter.

Hope you enjoyed our pick!
Depending on the counter, we MAY make this a permanent segment; you guys got the power to make that happen :D

C-Ya on Saturday!

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