Saturday, September 28, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Collage pt. 3

Glad you guys can join us for “Off the ‘Spice’ Rack” :)
I decided to do something I hadn’t done for a while….I have a couple of ‘interesting’ topics that just couldn’t be ignored for long; especially when some of these can hit home for today’s youth.

Let’s get started~
Coffin for sale on Craigslist — with a surprise inside {Article}

First we had that killer preying upon women, now we have the pranksters.
The gist of this subject is that a dude named Dave Burgstrum was trying to off load this thing for the grieving clientele on a budget for $12,000{I know for a FACT that’s cheap since I recently did my Father’s funeral and had to pay for everything from his insurance}.
But what’s a ‘Crackerjack’ without its ‘prize’ —-

This piece has the best ornament to the upcoming Halloween; a skeleton!
You read it right.

Now I’m no expert on the laws in every state but I’m sure that in mine, when one’s selling anything with high value you have to give a detailed description of the item as well as the contents if any are present. Iowa Police didn’t let this slide when Burgstrum failed to mention these bones for auction; for just saying that the coffin is in ‘good condition’….and nothing else!

Next weird-out topic~
Woman Drinks Only Soda for 16 Years, Suffers Heart Problems {Article/Video/Gallery}

In all honesty, I had just now found out about the ‘Soda Ban Appeal’ made due to the growing obesity in all Americans including those in NY and if it were anywhere else on this planet other than CA, FL, LA or NY; I guarantee that NO ONE would find out about this.

And my theory was proven by this newsflash as the “Health Committee” is using this as incentive to get rid of ALL sugar beverages containing more than 16 grams from restaurants, fast food places, movie theaters and other establishments that use them to make a nice profit. The point is that this 31-year-old woman, who drank nothing but soda since age 15 was found in the hospital in Monaco, France —- and wouldn’t have been noticed if not for the big stink about locking up anything that can kill a person by consuming mass quantities of it.

Seriously! This ‘problem’ starts in the household. I myself drink/eat a lot of sugary stuff before I wash it out of my system with water; its common sense if they bother to teach it to their kids!

“Do what I say, not what I do”, my ass….

This one pissed me off~
Teen Accuses rue21 of Weight Discrimination, Sparks Online Backlash {Article/Video}

I already have that Battle of the Bulge that I have to deal with daily; I don’t wanna hear this BS from a person let alone a retail store policy.
And I’m sure most people will agree that this discrimination should not go unchecked.

Now I know I can’t squeeze my big ass into shit from Charlotte Russe, Express, Forever 21 ‘inches’ {my little joke}, TJ Maxx, Marshal’s and the like; but that don’t stop me from going in there! The accessories are calling out my name and I’ll be DAMNED if I’m getting kicked out of ANY store just because I’m not a toothpick that they usually cater to.

And they should be welcoming her and her Mom in the store with a complimentary smoothie and a $50 gift card; the most important thing that Retailers need to remember that the dynamic duo of Mother/Daughter brings in the cash flow!
Also we WOMEN are the ones that fill their checking accounts —- bet if any one of us gets mistreated, that business is getting shut down permanently!

And lastly, I’m gonna put some ‘Zing’ at the end of this one~
Weirdest Things Schools Have Banned

I’m not ticking them all; just the ones that stood out as the most outlandish…

One was about a school somewhere in the UK forbidding the title “Best Friends” —— HUH?
What the hell does that have to do with someone’s education? Causing conflict within a clique to the point that no one studies until they find out who’s the greatest BFF of all time?
Jeez, kids will fight ANYTHING at that age of having a crew.

Another is to prevent the spread of diseases, lip balms were taken. First of all, ‘sharing’ went out the window after Barney the Dinosaur and Teletubbies slowly died out {THANK GOD!!}; not even the guys use each other’s deodorant I’m sure. Nowadays, if one of your girlfriends came to you asking if you can borrow your chapstick and you can CLEARLY see that she has some kind of illness or covering a cold sore on her lip; you’re a dumbass for allowing it!
Don’t have ‘many’ suffer cuz of a few stupid actions of the ‘few’.

And ending this with something you didn’t expect to discover in the Teacher’s lounge: Viagra.
This drug was actually part of their Health Plan in Milwaukee.
Can you believe it, most would worry about having money in the budget for more crayons, erasers and chalk —- not about if one could get their freak on while the kids are at recess.

That does it this week on “Off the ‘Spice’ Rack”.

If you want to read the rest on the banned list, there’s not much left but here’s the link anyway~
It starts at #8 and goes down; Numbers eight and six are repeated so in actuality there’s only seven.
Just FYI.
Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama is still on Hiatus, however we do have a little somethin’, somethin’ that might brighten the rest of your week

—— you’ll just have to tune in on Thursday to find out ;)

Later Days!

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