Sunday, July 21, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Morals pt. 2

Hope you had a good weekend.
Enjoy part 2 of ‘Morals’ ——
If you don’t remember what happened last Tuesday, here’s the link:

I had mentioned a week ago that today’s generation got a bum rap by being verbally attacked and then ignored when we try to defend ourselves.
Well, let’s reexamine the evidence from where we left off~

CNN has done ‘research’ about the internet and how one reverts back to pre-teen adolescence {as suggested by the title chosen “It’s like never leaving Junior High”}, having evidence backing up his claim.

Here’s some key points from it~
“Janet Sternberg, a communications professor at Fordham University, says ‘the Internet and digital media have produced this ‘Peter Pan effect’ where we never grow up, we’re perpetual children, we never have to be responsible for anything — we keep this juvenile mentality’; ‘Restraint is one of the signs of adulthood, and our whole culture is celebrating a lack of restraint’….”

“….the Web has a clique for every would-be adolescent — class clowns, bullies, drama queens and fanboys; get to indulge in their petty squabbles, and few of them show signs of growing up….”
“Sternberg final statement is that ‘the idea that being an adult is prized in our culture — that idea is evaporating, it’s really uncool’….”

I also found another article that CNN did on advertising; this one was about an uproar in regards to a Victoria’s Secret ad targeted for the teenagers and pre-teens {now known today as ’tweens}~
“The popular lingerie brand was advertising items in its PINK line, which is geared toward younger women, with the slogan “Bright Young Things." The campaign featured underwear printed with phrases like “call me," “feeling lucky" and “wild." A 16-second YouTube video featured young-looking models splashing around in skimpy bikinis with the tagline “new spring break must-haves….”

“Diana Cherry, a mother of three and creator of a petition against this issue stated that it was ‘a glaring example of a culture forcing girls to grow up too fast’…."

“Commenters on the Victoria Secret Facebook page said the campaign was ‘disgusting’ and ‘sexually [exploited] teenagers’ —- many called on shoppers to boycott stores…..”

And now, the rebuttal ——starting with Miss Janet Sternberg’s commentary~

It’s true that we “down-grade” ourselves when we’re online {see Cyber Blood Bath #1-2}, I suspect it’s because we don’t know who’s on the other end and probably never will; so we talk smack with little to no repercussions. But in regards to her statement, I’m not sure using today’s youth as analogies makes any sense.
I have seen first-hand around me that most of our pre-teens are in the rebellious stage, yes; but still have a good head on their shoulders by thinking through before acting.
Verbal is another story.
Even though most have not heard the fine art of ‘tact’, the internet is one of the few places to communicate thoughts and stay in touch; mainly cuz no one actually REMEMBERS writing ‘snail mail’ or even bother doing that unless it’s a class project called Pen Pals.

As for the lingerie ‘mishap’~

I say again, kids are not to blame for the entirety of this supposed digression.
Let’s flip the script here —— WHO made this ad and countless others that drill the phrase ‘sex sells’ into our subconscious? WHO created the outfits that most of us look upon as ‘unique’?

Remember, the current generation’s powerless until we get that piece of paper after torcher from High School and again in College for x amount of years. It’s because companies have stooped to a level that causes the kids to think like sex-crazed maniacs be it on TV, internet or magazine.
Growing up, stuff like that wasn’t plastered on commercials often and if they were; they were on channels made for the adults of my time. The only thing my parents were concerned about was if my cartoons were too violent or showed too much racism {amongst OTHER things that happened to them at a young age —— again, a personal matter}. Sadly, “boycotting” is not gonna solve anything now cuz as a society, we’re too far gone. We are so used to finding bikinis and men with nothing on but a pair of boxer briefs shown on billboards and such; it’s become the norm.
The only way we can get out of it is to make a new motto like ‘COMEDY sells’ or something like that. I mean down-home loving gets many in the mood, but then why do we have so many Action and Horror movies?

A final thought on this subject…..if the new age parents take a good look at what their kids are buying, my Fashion blog, “WTF?!” and countless others would not exist {make no mistake that K.I.R. would continue ;) }; but then, they probably don’t care due to their treatment from the past generation in some way.

Next week, I will continue by asking you, the fans; your take on this matter since no one bothers to comment.
Also, with the craziness going on in her life between her new man and her family; Frankie D won’t be updating for a while. So, now you have to deal with me until she gives me a sign.

ALWAYS keep it real!

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