Saturday, July 13, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Morals pt. 1

Here’s a subject for ‘Generation Y’——
Starting with the buzz on one Edward Snowden.

Don’t know who he is?
That’s alright, cuz your girl Cheetah’s got you ;)

Long story short, Snowden revealed information about a variety of classified intelligence programs, including the interception of US and European telephone metadata and some internet surveillance programs.
To dumb it down for those of us who aren’t Tech Term savvy {i.e. Me ;) }, these new programs are to basically eavesdrop on what we do and say to other people that most would agree —— are private to those involved like personal conversations and such.

When asked, Snowden said that he did what he did so that “the public can be informed as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them,” {My translation: where our tax money is going during this economy crisis and what we classify as ‘valuable info’ to the Average Joe is apparently statistics for our government}.
He continues by saying “I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things … I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under".
There are lots about him as a person that I found fascinating, but since I only have the maximum of three (3) pages; I can’t disclosed them all; to find out more, type in his name in your fave search engine. I will say this though, this guy’s one lucky SOB to get this job considering he has no High School Diploma.

The dude is now on the run to different countries that would welcome any chance to learn more about North America —— last I heard he was residing in Russia with a prank attached to it as he sent some journalists on a 12-hr flight to Havana with no alcohol due to the airline’s policy, to a destination he never planned on showing up to and they can’t leave the country for 3 days because of their laws {serves them right; bunch of parasites :P }…..bottom line, the rave about it is that because he gave away classified information, he is either seen as a ‘Traitor’ to some and a ‘Hero’ to most.

Overall on the Snowden subject; NSA is now currently being questioned on good judgment.

The main reason why this topic was called to my attention was the “stink” carried off from the comments made by most of society. They CLAIM that our children have no sense of responsibility or morals like knowing right from wrong.


They are saying in between the lines that it’s OUR fault that US of A is in financial ruin, that we’re shooting out babies at a young age so we can get the government to bail us out; that we have no ‘work ethnic’ and don’t believe we never will and that we are disrespectful to those that came before us.
I’ve heard some BS before, but this goes beyond it! Now, I’m not saying that it doesn’t exist in some teens today; but they gotta realize that this shit didn’t just show up out of the blue —— it had to have come from somewhere!
They LIKE to think that we taught ourselves this stuff; in truth the current generation has NO power for change.

Let me sum it up for the people who actually AGREE with the statements that Generation Y are made up of sponges that create MORE problems~
MOST of what they said is the end result of what we learn from ADULTS from birth to pre-teen.
Think about it: Racism, Religion, Criticism….most of that comes from the home life we live in. 
From the womb to we head off to school, we’re taught what’s “acceptable” in the real world; depending on WHO we learn it from, it’s skewed to the point that we have to fill in the blanks from the rest of society {TV programs, other ‘experienced’ kids, the internet, etc}.
Now take a look at the contents of what we have as our “role models” —— you’re telling me that we’re responsible for that as well?

I’m gonna let the topic sink in for the rest of this week.
Part 2 will consist of more + go in depth on the influences of the internet AND show what exactly they are advertising.
Don’t forget to come back for Frankie’s Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama update.
Keep it real, fans :)

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