Saturday, June 8, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ 'They' knew.....

This time, we’re going in-depth in regards to these ‘companies’ doing these outlandish actions towards artists and the like. Unless you’re socially inept, you guys have heard about those slogans and lyrics being hacked to bits by the public. It’s not that they don’t have reasoning behind these attacks and that there’s always two sides to the stories told --- but in this case:

‘They’ knew!

Let’s start with the biggest charge~
Mountain Dew Ad Pulled After Backlash [Article/Video]

I get how offensive this can be for the African-American race, but because it was made by a black man; it’s even more taboo because it’s seen as him betraying his kind.
But I have a bone to pick about them making a fuss over the new slogan --- saying that it influence the young.

What BS is that?!

“Dew it!” only has a disgusting sound because you made it that way, geniuses! If that’s the case, Nike’s old slogan “Just Do It!” would have been chastised as soon as it came out in the 90’s; it can be taken either way. As for the ad itself, other than the black men {that were the creator’s FRIENDS, if this guy was that horrid as a person; his pals wouldn’t be near it or him} that were lined up for the mug shots and being identified by the victim….I found the goat humorous.

Next on the chopping block~
Rick Ross apologizes for date rape lyrics after Reebok ends rapper's contract [Article]

I find it VERY hard to believe that he didn’t know he would be given bad press on this! How did he think the lyrics would be not only be ridiculed but would go unnoticed?

Just because we love fads, doesn’t mean we’re stupid and would buy anything as long as it has a “catchy jingle” to it.
I myself listen to the lyrics first before the rhythm {my Ma’s the opposite}, so SOMEone out there will clasp the meaning behind these words he chose.

Why is Cheerios ad facing backlash? [Article/Video]

Now normally this topic is one of three on my “No Touchie” list of discussions due to the negative backlash, but this one I couldn’t ignore --- MAINLY because of the hook chosen for this.
There are STILL many secret KKK’s out there plus narrow-minded people who don’t want to believe that only two nationalities are “intelligent” enough to trust with jobs and money; but COME ON!
This was just BEGGING for the feedback of every race hater out there when they casted a White mother, a Black father, and a mixed little girl.

Hate to say this, but just because we now have an African-American as President of the free world doesn’t mean the racism has magically “poof-ed” away {hell, I’ll bet people are still saying it was rigged or some other BS}. Not everyone was on board with that and are constantly nitpicking his faults when guess what, dumbasses ---- it takes TIME to clean up the mess from the last one.
Geez….gotta nerve to be pissed at something that’s BEEN happening since before Lincoln and Martin King Jr. fought for it.
However, I will give them points for their naïveté about the world being “sunshine and daisies”.
You rarely find that, not since the TV and home lives corrupted the next three generations.

Well, this is my thoughts on the subject.
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Be here for Frankie D’s Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama.

ALWAYS keep it real!

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