Sunday, June 30, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Cyber Blood Bath #2

Hey there, Fans!
Got another Cyber Blood Bath for ya this week —- this time, it involves K.I.R. itself….so, be prepared for a LONG one.

Now I have been clear from the start {and so has my girl, Frankie D} that if you got a problem with what we do, take it somewhere else!
Not too long ago, we created an Advertisement about the most annoying questions asked by customers in retail, debuting the 2nd one~

“Do you have this in a different size/color?”

This was made to drum up some more fan base, not to mention show what exactly we do on our segments. We release pent up issues and let it go —- just like everyone else. But we try to have relations to our readers, so we take situations and issues we all know people go through every day but can’t speak it due to understandable reasons; however, what’s the internet for other than to escape reality for a few hours?
If you didn’t know what K.I.R. was, you do now.

Anyway, since its conception; we have many who revere our acts but there are gonna be some people who like to fight with no reasoning just because they can’t fight outside of the net….
We are not breaking any rules of conduct given by FB, we just tell things like it is {sort of like publishing our diaries}. We will NOT however, tolerate ANYone insulting our work; so we issued a warning during K.I.R. voting week that comments that have no solid bases behind them will be deleted and the person in questioned will be banned permanently.

That was not a one-time thing.

Here is another banned user on our list {let’s call him “Mighty Mouse”, as in he may seem like he’s ‘Mighty’ trying to tell us about morals and whatnot but is actually a ‘Mouse’ that’s too scared to let his balls get kicked in cuz he knows he can’t fight nobody}~

Sorry but u stupid tawkin all that shit kuz not everybody knoe the shit u do i bet ur mom done it before so why sit here nd tawk alot of shit if u dnt like wat u do den u might wana change ur fukin job before u wana sit here nd tawk bout ppl

My rebuttal:
let me ask you something…
do you know English?
if you’re not familiar with it, use a dictionary before you ATTEMPT to talk smack about somebody else and what they do.
i talk “shit" as you put it b/c everyone [including you] is scared to do it in front of others, so they have to bash other works on the internet.

First of all, let me make this clear~
If you want a fight, you got it!
It’s about principles here {like someone will get a beat down if one disses a parental figure; no ifs, ands or buts} —- K.I.R. is VERY dear to me like a child would be to a mother, so you better brace yourself.
And speaking of Mothers, what did the mention of my Ma accomplish, really?
I know for a fact that she did work in retail younger than when I started {her 16 and me 22}; and even SHE can laugh at some of the stories I’ve been sharing on the slide BECAUSE she went through the motions….so this supposed ‘insult’ is not valid to the ‘point’ he’s trying to make.

You expect a person to take you seriously when not only do you curse at them; but can’t even use “spell check”?
I don’t care if you’re using your phone and we now live in a society where we use ‘text-ing’ to convey messages cuz the next generation is lazy and actual letter writing is dead! Do you talk to your family in text language?
If I gotta reread your comments MORE than once to get the damn meaning behind it, I’m reeducating the person on the other end —- which will be a challenge in that of itself.

So a few hours go by, then I get this response~

For ur info i done retail for almost 5 years i kno wat u deal with on dayly basis at the end of the day thats ur job to help costermers out u have to be prefeaional not sit here and tawlk bout the custermoers itz a JOB

My rebuttal:
Well, now I can talk to you like an intelligent being.
I’ve been doing retail for 11 years and even though it’s a job; it’s still a pain ——
you can’t tell me you don’t find it annoying at times to repeat the same answer 4 times then have the customer basically call you a liar. And still fight you even after management tells them the same thing you just said to them for 15 minutes.
Point is, regardless if I get a new line of work; you’re gonna have the same issue everywhere b/c you’re still trying to please people that have FORGOTTEN that they were in the same positions as us in one way or another.

Since this Ad’s still lost on you, let me dumb it down for you:
This is here to bring in new people to our site.
I don’t go around “talking shit" unless I can relate. If you had bothered to read my old posts, we stay away from Religion, Politics and Racism b/c everyone has different views.

Can you honestly say the same?

Oh Look!
He still doesn’t know what “verbs” are —— how cute….
Ugh, I feel sorry for his wife and kid {assuming he actually has one and his kid isn’t a bastard [second meaning: Wifey was knocked up by someone other than her main Hubby]}.
Ok —- I hate when people throw their “experience” around like they’re the ones who CREATED it!
I know it may seem that I’m doing the same; but I don’t put out false info in an argument {don’t believe me, I’ll send you my resume}; if one has to resort to that, it’s pathetic.

Now that I got that out~
There is no one ON THIS PLANET that will not complain about their job in one form or another {even those who love their profession}!

I do believe that venting is good, but if I was saying shit while I was working; that’s unprofessional. Everyone has a bad day….to tell the truth, I WANT to make retail my profession, start my business in the memory of my father. However, there are times when retarded people will still piss me off, so this right now is practice. As such, the part about “getting a new job” —-  how the HELL do I do that with THIS economy?! It took me 5 months to get this one as opposed to me being unemployed for 2 years while in VA with Dad.
Lastly, I stick to my guns by saying that what we’re doing is like putting our Diaries on the net {if I even bothered to keep one}; so even though what we say my injure a person emotionally, you gotta deal with it anyway. Like they say: “Life ain’t happening to just you.”
But in the end, his ‘child’ will grow up ignorant due to a Father being closed-minded.

Let me close this out by saying this won’t be the last Cyber Blood Bath I have; so keep an eye out ;)
Be here for the update of Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama.

ALWAYS keep it real!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Movie Madness!

 First, let me start with this quote from Tumblr…..


A PERFECT example of how movies are today.
REALLY stretching for ideas, aren’t they?

Whether the scripts been beaten to death that you can actually predict what’s gonna happen {M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village, Just Wright staring Queen Latifah},

To remaking the classic kid movies or making classic novels into Live Action {Beastly [WTSF?!], Snow White [how many was that? Three?], The Great Gatspy [didn’t get this shit when I was forced to read it in High School, what makes you think I can follow it now?!]},

To redoing the storyline so it SEEMS to be different everytime {ALL Marvel and DC Comic movies except The Hulk, Hansel & Gretel, Jack the Giant Killer [formally known as Jack and the Beanstalk]},

Or making the sequels a re-introduction/back story {The Little Mermaid [Aerial’s Beginnings], Monsters Inc. [sadly, the new one’s about Mike and Sully’s college years]};

This topic apparently has to be addressed because it’s just annoying nowadays.

I like to call this Movie Madness :P
….and that’s what it basically is!

I mean, there are SO many great stories out there {not just written by me ;) } that are very creative and thought provoking; and yet they STILL go for the ones that made money the first go around and figured that they’ll make 3 times as much if they “change a couple of phrases and turn the ending from ‘flowery’ to ‘cryptic’”.
Are we so retarded that they think that we won’t notice {—-don’t answer that}?

Now there ARE some good ones out there that aren’t so bad, but that list is PRETTY short.
However, there are a few that I have an issue with.
As you can see, I have the trailers underneath each one; I don’t guarantee that they will be there for long as YT can be unpredictable.
If you have not seen them, do it now.

Here we go, MY top three (3) movie flops~


I saw this trailer so many times that I became psychologically ill to the point where some nights I’m scared to go to bed.
And I live on the second floor!
I know this is fiction and whatnot, but it still is possible that the government may do this kind of shit in the future. Maybe not in this decade, but STILL——it’s out there.
I mean you can now print out your own working hand gun nowadays, I wouldn’t put it past them.
To this I say:
“If America does this once EVERY year, I’m taking my ass outta this country and moving to Canada!”


Now, I’m not knocking the first one.
It had a lot of creativity and got the kids to believe in the “what if” and “dare to dream” scenarios——
but they should have stopped at that.
Apparently, that machine that was supposed to end world hunger created a new species of life THAT’S FREAKING EDIBLE!!
No lie!
You got actual PB+J fish swimmin’ around, a carnivore that’s a giant taco {new ad character for Taco Bell?}, and bad puns….all in the span of 2 minutes.
Needless to say, I’m skipping this one.


Really people…..stop already!
I know the younger generation don’t know about it, but please! This is OBVIOUSLY a cross of “Ferngully: The Last Rainforest”, “Honey, I shrunk the kids” and “Thumbelina”.
….did they really think we wouldn’t see the similarities?
It’s also a revamp of “Rise of the Guardians” since the whole movie was using computer graphics as well as the same style.
Man——what happened to the good old days when a work of art was created through the use of a pen and paper? But seriously, this is the result of corporations taking all originality, rolling it up and lighting it as a cigar.

This is what they did for this movie:
From “Ferngully” – changed the hero to a heroine/ leave the bit about the forest but minimize the ‘human’ factor,

From “Honey, I shrunk the kids” – Have a wacked out parental figure {i.e. Dad} obsessed with the ‘unexplainable’,

From “Thumbelina” – The ‘royal’ is now a ‘soldier’,

From all three – the ‘love interests’.

Before closing this, one last thing~
Is it too much to actually END a movie series?

Some I don’t mind so much like Fast and the Furious 6, but there are others that SAY they’re gonna end it but leave that BIG, STEAMY pile of —— do I really need to say it at this point?
It’s been a while, but the biggest offenders are as follows:

The Mummy {Why make a third w/o the original Evelyn in it?}

Transformers {The second was bad enough and I couldn’t even remember most of the key points in the third cuz it droned on about the side stories between the humans that wasn’t even all that relevant. Now there’s a fourth?! God KNOWS what that’s about —— Sam’s great-grandkids?}

War of the Worlds {the original was crap, and guess what? Remaking it didn’t do a DAMN thing to improve it :P }

Final Destination {call me crazy——but didn’t the fourth one had the title “THE Final Destination”? Why is there a 5th one? O.o}

Well, I would press on but I went over the page limit enough for this post.
As always, any questions will be answered on Tumblr.

Don’t forget, we’re on Twitter as well :)

So long for now.

ALWAYS keep it real!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ 'They' knew.....

This time, we’re going in-depth in regards to these ‘companies’ doing these outlandish actions towards artists and the like. Unless you’re socially inept, you guys have heard about those slogans and lyrics being hacked to bits by the public. It’s not that they don’t have reasoning behind these attacks and that there’s always two sides to the stories told --- but in this case:

‘They’ knew!

Let’s start with the biggest charge~
Mountain Dew Ad Pulled After Backlash [Article/Video]

I get how offensive this can be for the African-American race, but because it was made by a black man; it’s even more taboo because it’s seen as him betraying his kind.
But I have a bone to pick about them making a fuss over the new slogan --- saying that it influence the young.

What BS is that?!

“Dew it!” only has a disgusting sound because you made it that way, geniuses! If that’s the case, Nike’s old slogan “Just Do It!” would have been chastised as soon as it came out in the 90’s; it can be taken either way. As for the ad itself, other than the black men {that were the creator’s FRIENDS, if this guy was that horrid as a person; his pals wouldn’t be near it or him} that were lined up for the mug shots and being identified by the victim….I found the goat humorous.

Next on the chopping block~
Rick Ross apologizes for date rape lyrics after Reebok ends rapper's contract [Article]

I find it VERY hard to believe that he didn’t know he would be given bad press on this! How did he think the lyrics would be not only be ridiculed but would go unnoticed?

Just because we love fads, doesn’t mean we’re stupid and would buy anything as long as it has a “catchy jingle” to it.
I myself listen to the lyrics first before the rhythm {my Ma’s the opposite}, so SOMEone out there will clasp the meaning behind these words he chose.

Why is Cheerios ad facing backlash? [Article/Video]

Now normally this topic is one of three on my “No Touchie” list of discussions due to the negative backlash, but this one I couldn’t ignore --- MAINLY because of the hook chosen for this.
There are STILL many secret KKK’s out there plus narrow-minded people who don’t want to believe that only two nationalities are “intelligent” enough to trust with jobs and money; but COME ON!
This was just BEGGING for the feedback of every race hater out there when they casted a White mother, a Black father, and a mixed little girl.

Hate to say this, but just because we now have an African-American as President of the free world doesn’t mean the racism has magically “poof-ed” away {hell, I’ll bet people are still saying it was rigged or some other BS}. Not everyone was on board with that and are constantly nitpicking his faults when guess what, dumbasses ---- it takes TIME to clean up the mess from the last one.
Geez….gotta nerve to be pissed at something that’s BEEN happening since before Lincoln and Martin King Jr. fought for it.
However, I will give them points for their naïveté about the world being “sunshine and daisies”.
You rarely find that, not since the TV and home lives corrupted the next three generations.

Well, this is my thoughts on the subject.
Questions can be directed to

We are also on Twitter as well.
Be here for Frankie D’s Being Real: Sex, Lies and Drama.

ALWAYS keep it real!