Tuesday, May 7, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ WDJD #5

For this week, since my usual subjects are being retarded; I’d figure a ‘WDJD’ filler will still get my point across as well as give a sneak peek for what’s in store for the future of K.I.R.

---And for those who just tuned in, ‘WDJD’ is shorten for ‘What did ‘Josh/Josie’ Do?’ which had debuted on Wednesdays.
This segment has been on hiatus for some time due to the lack of views.
The synopsis of ‘WDJD’ is basically any idiot out there {whether on the job or in the streets} who does some stupid shit that we nitpick about.
Here’s one from a time ago where we took it from our own personal experience~

FD: In my experience, these kinds of moments are everywhere. If you just keep your eyes open, you will find it --- sometimes it happens when you least expect it.

CK: What did ‘Josh’ do?

FD: Afraid there’s more than one ‘Josh’ this go-around.

Recently I was talking to ‘Josh’ #1 on one of my dating sites. He told me that he was looking for girlfriend, but then did a 180 and said he was on the rebound because his girl died three months ago. He thought that I was dumb and desperate enough to go out with him!!!

CK: He couldn’t even give the courtesy of waiting.
Geez, it’s like you have the word “whore” tattooed on your forehead.

FD: You think that was bad --- 
On this Sunday past, ‘Josh’ #2 had told me that he loved me and really liked me; but then begged me to have sex with him. He kept at it until I told him that I wouldn't and then he got mad at me for turning him down.  

Why in the hell would he think you’d give it up after a few sentences online?

FD: Exactly what I said! If a guy wants my loving, he BETTER be prepared to earn it.

CK: I know that’s right!

FD: Oh and one day I was on my way to school running late for my class. I realized that a guy was following me. I decided that I could rush to school and be safe there.
‘Josh’ #3 ended up catching up to me and boldly asked if he could take my stuff that I had paid for with my own money and walk with it. I told him no and also told him he need to get a job and leave people alone.

CK: I agree that was creepy….but it seemed that he wanted to be a gentleman to you.
I guess he thought that by doing that action, he would win your heart.

 FD: I was just amazed on how bold some people are these days. I understand honesty and bluntness and I respect that, but damn!
What about you, Cheetahkit? You got anything to add?

CK: Well, I don’t have anything recent, so I’m gonna take you guys back in time for this one. It comes from the days where I was a naïve idealist who thought EVERYONE was rational and cared about other people’s feelings. I think it’s safe to say I woke up from that fantasy REAL quick.

FD: So, what did ‘Josh’ do?

CK: This is actually coming to you as a pair instead of one person. I’m dubbing them --- ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jackass’.

FD: Oh, Lord….

CK: This is how it started.
My second place of employment was in my first retail store that I wasn’t compelled to buy everything in sight. It was called ‘Craft Country’. Anyway, I was making conversation with a customer in front of them, nothing big; just talking.
When I got to ‘Mr. & Mrs. Jackass’, I rung them up as usual; but as I was packing up their stuff in the bags, they asked me to put the breakable items in separate bags…..AFTER I had just packed them.

FD: Ok.
What were they doing before all that? Were they even paying attention?

CK: That’s not the half of it.
Once I was finished putting the items in the bags and gave them their change, they told me they wanted to speak to a manager.

FD: For what? They wanted you to take their bags to their car like a slave?

CK: ….They said to my boss with a straight face, that I had an attitude ringing up their merchandise, talked back to them when they requested that I put the breakables in separate bags AND that I threw their change at them.

FD: Let me guess --- all cuz you didn’t talk with them like you did with the last customer?
Not like it mattered either way.
They would have complained about you being a chatterbox and not doing your job since they like to make up shit for their own benefit.

CK: How this lovely story ended was that not only did my old boss disregard my side of the story; he fired me after they left the building.

FD: ….
I see why he makes our WDJD segment.


This was before I had to do a solo act cuz Frankie D couldn’t figure out a decent schedule to stay on permanently….hope that changes by next year, she still has work to do on her segments :P
We also had a few more called ‘Vid of the Week’ which were held on Mondays and our Saturdays’ discussions; they were cut from the program as well.

The fates of these will be determined by the end of this weekend.
Just so you know~
K.I.R. will not be updating next week due to the announcement being made on the 18th.

In the meantime, peace, yall!

ALWAYS keep it real ;) 

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