Tuesday, April 30, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Cyber Blood Bath #1

Check out this “argument” from off the web.
Now, there are gonna be haters {makes the world go round & what fun would it be if your views were just like everyone else’s?}, but a couple of things that piss me off are being mentioned in the cyber blood bath that I had last week.

This person “specializes” in the distribution of an Anime show called The Winx Club {not sure I should claim it as one, mainly how we have fucked up cartoons on CN with water-down storylines; we don’t deserve to make this series genuinely ours} and for a while, everything was cool. Recently, however; this “person” had not updated their videos to the current season as they normally would and what they DO upload is in another language. Now, I’m a fair person and I know we all have a life outside of the internet; so even though I was disappointed with this, I figured something was going on that was keeping them from translating in English.

So I kept checking each day to see the progress. Immediately, I found this~
IAM [from her channel on YouTube, bad grammar and all!]:

"Everyone! SHUT THE FUCK UP! This is really getting annoying, I don't have episode 22,23,24,25,26 in english ! i'm not the owner of Winx ,i am waiting for them as you do!

STOP sending me messages about asking for them! I DON'T HAVE ,WAIT FOR 5 MAY then i will upload ! understeand now?"

THAT was the beginning of the end!
My first rule in regards to commitment is~
This is the sole reason WHY I hate politics!

I get life deals blows that disrupt your flow to your cause, but give us SOMETHING to work with; that’s all I ask! Don’t ride us off or mistreat your followers just because YOU can’t deliver. Why should we have to suffer?
Tell us that you can’t load a new episode cuz they haven’t aired yet, tell us that your translator’s on the fritz, tell us ANYTHING that shows you at least have creativity inside that lump three feet above your ass {at least we know that if you’re covering for your lack of consistency, you CARE enough to give us something to pacify us} --- but NEVER curse at ANYone who doesn’t deserve it!

I’ve read these questions to them, and these are truly genuine….no sarcasm involved, just pure curiosity. But rather than owning up to it, she throws a tantrum.
So here was my rebuttal:

If you're not gonna deliver your promises, stop making them.
Don't get mad @ us just because you like to string people along.
Be thankful you still have fans the way you've been treating them.”

Her response [again showing her intelligence on this matter]:

IAM: Prmises? hmm, why are you here if you don't like me? get away! NO ONE WANTS YOU OR YOUR OPINION OK? i am not obliged to upload winx episodes and i can stop whenever i want ! i already said thousand times in the comment that i don't have them but they keep sending me messages every second ! i can do watever i do ! i'm not going to discuss this with you.GET AWAY ! post a message here and let's see what every fan says of me ! u're totally worng ! thanks to me u have seen season 5 + i'm a rainbow partner ! you can't talk me like that ! YOU SHOULD RESPECT ME !

Rule #2 ~
there’s a little known invention called the “Delete” button!
If you don’t like comments, get rid of them.
….Yes, I REALIZE I’m being a hypocrite throughout and breaking my own rule here; but you can see why.

“No one wants you or your opinion” – If I was “unwanted” in every way, shape or form; I wouldn’t have friends OUTSIDE of cyberspace {not imaginary like this person has and ones that don’t live in another country} as well as the good Lord would not create me.

“I am not obliged to upload Winx episodes and I can stop whenever I want!” – Then clearly you need to! What’s wrong? Can’t handle the pressure? Well, you did CHOOSE to give other people “less fortunate” than yourself that don’t know another language and apparently don’t have Cable or ACTUAL work that they can’t record the show off their own. So whether you acknowledge it or not, YOU DID MAKE A COMMITMENT by posting them! That was YOUR choice, now be an adult AND FOLLOW THROUGH.

And as for the grammar, do I REALLY need to say it?
Which is why I had repied:

“I'll consider it when you use proper grammar and spellchecker....

In the meantime, quit altogether if you can't handle the pressure.
And if you said this a thousand times and people still ask you, be an adult and ignore them IF you are actually doing all you can to please the masses --- which I suspect you don't. Losing you cool not only to me but the fans who "like" you [though I have to wonder] shows you have NO regard to anyone.
So tell me again: WHY should I "respect" you when you haven't earned it?”

….And now in comes the devoted loser not involved, who THINKS they know what’s going on and it’s their “civic duty” to help {again, I’m being a hypocrite; I got it :P}:

D.L.N.I.: Look Kristina, you can't talk to someone like that, just because Rainbow haven't released yet the English Episodes she can't upload them if they don't exist, you should be thankful that me, her and few others upload Season 5 for you and the fans of Winx online, getting in trouble constantly with the companies, you talk with a selfish b*tch just because you didn't get what you want. Well welcome to the reality, it doesn't matter that if you want something, it will happen 100%, if she made promise, and she didn't stood behind it, means that something got on the way... so stop acting like that and have some RESPECT for the people who deliver you to watch Winx Club ready... to be watched, and you don't have to go to 1000000000 websites to find the real episodes and to watch them and in HD quality.

Rule #3~
If you are not involved, stay out of it!
Ever heard the old saying “This is an ‘A’ and ‘B’ conversation”?
Like I had said earlier, I DO realize people have a life outside the Internet {though this is causing me to question that}, but your FANS keep you on the web, and once you forget that--- well, you get my point.
And look --- she has the same trouble with the sentences and grammar like her bosom buddy.
Here’s my statement to our “good citizen”:

“I speak for the other people too chicken for confrontation, Christie.
Apparently, you're just as "intelligent" as her. Cursing? That's the limit of your vocabulary and yet I'm still trying to educate you.
If you post something, even without verbal conformation; it's still a promise to your fans because one's taking time to bring joy to others.
And while we're on the subject of respect:

[repeated quote]

Does the statement --- MADE by IAM on YouTube --- show ANY "respect" to her fans?
Think about that BEFORE you defend someone.”

---well said.
And in true fashion of cowardice, both parties have never responded back.
Maybe they ACTUALLY used their heads for once, it’s amazing they knew how without help.
But let this be a lesson to all out there~
Cross me in ANY way, and I WILL fight you tooth and nail!
I have never been the one to shy away from an argument when I have good points in my corner, ask my relatives.

I think I’ve done enough damage….for now.
Check in for either follow ups for this cyber blood bath or any others that might turn up.

ALWAYS keep it real, even amongst friends ;)

C-Ya next week.

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