Tuesday, February 26, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Crazy Celebs

CK: Hi, everybody!

FD: Hi, Dr. Kit!

CK:…..sorry, fans.
But we couldn’t really think of an opening that could REALLY describe our topic today without using a Simpsons reference.

FD: Basically, what we found was so retarded that it makes our WDJD segments pretty tame.

CK: So we’re gonna call this~
Crazy Celebs --- where we picked two of the famous actors, actresses, singers and the like and pretty much piss on them further. Our ‘stars’ for this segment are *drumroll*

Ja Rule
Lindsey Lohan

If there are die hard fanatics of these people --- this is probably nothing new to you since you stalk them on the internet to a point you know their favorite brand of toothpaste they use; so if you’re gonna attack us because we singled out your escape on life, suck on it! We warned you that we’ll most likely say something no one likes, but that’s what this blog is for: EXPRESSING AN OPINION! If you can’t deal, then get lost.

FD: Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Starting with Ja Rule, we came across this man serving a two year sentence in New York.
It started with a routine traffic stop in 2010 that had police discovering the unlicensed weapon which resulted in his 2011 prison term.

CK: But that’s not what threw us.
Reading on, the well-known rap artist had owed over $3 million dollars in taxes from ’04 to ’06.

FD: Hope he spent that tax money on his three sons.

CK: On to our next one.
Now Miss double L is already known for everything imaginable from AA meetings to her court dates due to her ‘powder sugar’ addiction, but this new incident seems domestic compared to her past offences.
It’s still shocking nonetheless.
Lindsey was given a $1750 designer dress on a loan for an event, claims that the garment had a ‘tear’ and tries to even it out by taking a pair of scissors to it. Whether her statement was true about the rip or not remains to be seen; however it doesn’t excuse the fact that she returned it in that shabby condition.

FD: Lindsey Lohan is REALLY out of a control. She was a sweet child actor, but for some reason she went Looney Toons. I can understand acting young and dumb or having a stupid moment but then there’s a time in our lives when we all have to grow up and act our age. Why in the hell will Lindsey cut up a dress that she was borrowing?!  The key word is “borrowing”, sweetheart.

CK: Now bad enough the girl sued that rapper Pitbull [I read the ‘offending’ line, she should only be so flattered], but you’re gonna sit there and tell me that a narcissistic like Lohan doesn’t have at least six different outfits JUST for that reason?!
Starlots, models, actresses --- they are always under the microscope so they have to CONSTANTLY look good with no flaws to speak of. This ‘girl’ apparently can’t bother herself to have a little something called class.
It definitely tells me how she treats her personal shit; I wouldn’t even let her borrow a dollar!

FD: I mean it’s not like I don't like her. I think she was a good person at one point who is making real bad choices now.  She just has some bad people around her. If she walked away from those who are bringing her down, I believe she can and will do great things.

CK: So then, what’s your take on Ja Rule? Now we know what had happened to him & why he hadn’t made anything for a while.
In all honesty, I stopped following his career after he did that song “Mesmerized” with Ashanti. I guess he didn’t sold enough lyrics to keep up the lifestyle.

FD: I remember listening to him from my earlier teen years. Come ON, Ja Rule!
Gun and Tax charges?!
Is it THAT hard to pay your taxes? And I can understand wanting to protect your family and yourself….that’s not an issue --- but I DO have a problem with the fact you have all this money and not trying to dodge the responsibility of paying taxes and registering the gun. 

That’s why I have issues with some of these celebrities who can get away with a whole bunch of crap that non famous people can't get away with. If anyone who isn't famous or rich is subjected to the law, why should the people who HAVE the money get off scot free?

CK: You just answered your own question, girl.

FD: Ha Ha.
But seriously, I feel like that if you are famous and in front of cameras all the time, it comes with a responsibility of setting example for good behavior and not act like a fool.  If you want to walk around like you have no common sense, then do it when you’re out of the limelight. It’s annoying!  Sometimes, I wanna punch them in the face --- It’s like they forget that they are being watched all the time.

If I was famous, I would set the tone of how to act and treat others with respect --- because they, my fans; got me up there and THEY are the ones that decide whether or not I STAY there. I would let young people know that you don't have to act like some of these famous and rich people and that education and working hard is the way to go. However, I do admire those who know how to keep their heads on straight and not acting like they are the best thing in the world.

It’s sad that the celebrities that are acting crazy or immature; don't realize that people around the world hear about it and model from it.  

CK: Which is why we have this generation of lazy asses that expect EVERYTHING handed to them with minimal effort on their end [if we’re lucky] and higher than thou attitudes with tits exposed or pants on the ground.
Well, that’s OUR say on the topic --- how about you? If you want to add to our rants or defend your precious celebrities, you can leave a comment at the bottom of this post.

FD: And if you have any links, articles or topics that you want us to touch on; hit us up at either cheetahkit83@gmail.com or dmorris18@hotmail.com and give a shout.

CK: But make sure you put “topics” in the subject box, though. Be here tomorrow for our next “star” on WDJD.

FD: This is Frankie D and Cheetahkit, feeling the love.

Ck: ‘Til next time --- keep it real ;)  

Saturday, February 23, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Dangers of Online Dating

FD: What up? This is Frankie D.

CK: And Cheetahkit, hitting you folks with an update to one of our discussions.
Now we hate repeating ourselves in the timespan of a month let alone a week; but this has come to our attention and MUST be addressed.

FD: Thanks to a couple of links sent by Roxanne215, we have found that while dating sites can be an adventure in it of itself by meeting total strangers online with common interests; these have been known to be dangerous….especially to the females.

CK: How many times have we’ve been taken in, ladies? Fallen for the “sweet talk” guys love to lay down cuz they know what we want to hear. And don’t get me wrong, some boys get duped by a ‘fake’ diamond as well. If anyone remembers the “Craig’s List Killer”, they are A LOT more cautious on what they divulge to people; but it still doesn’t mean anyone’s safe.

FD: Here’s the low down on the story --- apparently, a well-known site that many have trusted to find their “soul mate” had an incident involving a woman being raped by a Caucasian male in his late 30’s. He signed up on the dating site, talks to these women; gain their trust then would go on business trips to where they live. He would meet them and do his dirty deeds.

Though it happened in San Diego, this offender has done a bit of globe hopping and has used different aliases when stalking the women; there’s no telling how many victims there are. More was found that this company, known for being one of the sites to have more relationships and weddings through them; does NOT do background checks of their newest members

CK: This news was sent to us as well~ a woman in her early 50’s had fallen for a dude in which had her falling into debt. This so-called “antiques dealer” first stole her heart with a click of a mouse --- another ‘victim’ of an online scam. They had kept in constant contact through emails on another dating site to a point where this hot, new relationship lasted for 6 months. During that time, her man was asking her for money once he was sure she was ‘taken’ hook, line and sinker. Needless to say, he took it and ran. However, it seems the woman still hadn’t learned her lesson as he kept going deeper in a financial bind with every new hubby that appeared; one so much as asked her for $5,000 to get his products flown into the states from Nigeria. When investigated, FBI agents came up short in this matter.

FD: One of the most horrific scams that I just learned about is the one from the CM.com case. After hearing about this story, I had to check every type of site I'm on, including POF.com, to make sure that EVERYTHING I had put on these sites is protected and there are no loose ends. I still can’t believe that these dating sites --- still advertising regularly --- do not double check their new members. It’s hard for a lot of women to trust men nowadays and vice versa.

CK: Then I got some bad news for you.

FD: Don’t EVEN tell me…..

CK: That POF.com is going to be mentioned? Okay, I won’t tell you.

FD: Nuh-uh! I wanna hear this one!

CK: What happened was this guy called the “Internet Casanova” goes onto dating sites, gains their trust and persuades them to let him move in. Then, like with the 50-year-old woman; he asked for money and other favors before robbing them blind. One of the ‘victims’ found that her laptop, iPhone and few other stuff was gone; another caught him in the act pawning her expensive camera.

FD: Damn.

CK: That’s not all --- there were MALE victims as well. Anyone who struck up a friendship with “Casanova” found that he would borrow more than a fair share of their stuff and never see it again. In total, he scammed 38 women in 7 different states.

FD: This is fucked up.

CK: But now you see why I was saying that these places should have filters to choose which person you want to talk to from your religion to how many kids he or she has. I know that doesn’t solve anything since you can’t really tell based off of a photo, but at least you would HAVE that option.
 It will be amazing if these places come out unscaved. The scandal alone should have them condemned.

FD: They didn’t do that with that Craig’s List case.

CK: Mainly cuz it’s a more public website and won’t be accountable on what’s posted there.

FD: I believe that all dating sites should be free.
There are web dating pages that have people pay and get nothing back after that; however  I am in agreement about running some kind of background check to make sure that none of the users are a threat. 

As for the online scam article, it’s sad that people are losing their hard earn money to people who are not truly going to help them find true love. If I was the people running the company, I would make sure that the members that are paying for my services are properly taken care of. Before I signed up on these sites, I did my research and asked around. I heard about a few then I checked them out myself. I made sure that I would --- and will --- be protected if anything happens. I wanted to make sure that no one got my personal information because there are people out here that will stalk you or steal your identity.

CK: Well, I have no sympathy for the one in the dating scam at all. She dug her own grave by GIVING the money in the first place! You don’t know the man! She never said that she actually MET the guy in person; men [and women] use ‘flowerily’ words to get what they want, that’s nothing new --- how the HELL you give away your hard earned money that you got through blood, sweat, tears & assholes [trust me, if you ever work retail of ANY sort; it’s bound to happen]; to some guy you only exchanged EMAILS with?!  Unless you had exchanged saliva in between the Skype dates, you don’t owe him a DAMN thing; and even then, it’s questionable. He wants money? Get another job, fool! In this economy, everyone’s picking PENNIES off the street [or holding a sign up on 5th avenue, but that’s another topic for later], so no one can bail ANYONE out financially.

FD: Cheetah, that’s way harsh. It’s just a classic tale of a woman who fell in love with the wrong man.

CK: It takes TWO to tango, Frankie. I’m sorry --- but if you’re smart enough to avoid the email stating that you had inherit $5.3 billion dollars from some dead relative whose name you can’t pronounce; why are you dumb enough to fall for a guy asking YOU for money that you only know though that same scenario?

FD: But to be fair to people who are about to go on to dating websites, they could at least put warnings on their pages or something about giving information away too soon. But since they aren’t doing that, do your own research and ask around. Talk to your family and friends about the sites that they themselves have used and if you hear about a certain dating site more than once; check it out and look it up yourself before jumping right into it.

CK: With that said, I know our fans have their own statements to make on this matter, so post your comments at the end of this segment. If you want to read more about the articles sent, email me --- cheetahkit83@gmail.com --- and put “CM Video” for Frankie D’s synopsis, “Dating Scam” for mine or “Casanova” in the subject line. If you want all three, let me know.

FD: This is Frankie D….

CK: ….and Cheetahkit of Keepin’ It Real. Stay tuned for Monday’s Vid Week.

FD: And be there for Tuesday’s discussion where we chew on our Crazy Celebs.

CK +FD: Bye ;)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ Dating Sites/Relationships

Hey Everyone!
Welcome back!

….I say that because due to some, um --- let’s just say: “legal matters”, we had to take our page “Whateva we’re Feelin’” down.

Now, we’re back & ready to rock!
….well, at least I am.

Apparently, my co-host is late L

FD: HeyHeyHey, sorry about that.

CK: Uh-huh….

FD: No really. I just got out of class; I had to run like hell to get here!

CK: Alright, alright. But sense you’re late, you get to start us off.
      ….what’s going on?
FD: Cheetahkit,  I think I got it bad….
CK: You talking about that dude w/ the 9 and 8 year old kids?
FD: Yes and I don’t know what to do L  It’s not like I can ignore him.
CK: Has he been putting the pressure on u? Like he keeps talking 2 u everyday & wants 2 meet u?
FD: He does talk to me every day and meet me...he makes a point on at least seeing me during his breaks and before I leave the campus. When I’m there, he makes me laugh but he also makes me anxious
CK: well, are you at least gonna wait ‘til after V-day to go out w/ him? We gotta see how much he's into you.
FD: I won’t be able to see him on V-day, though. I want to, but I’m in Rockville all day --- Plus I don’t want to do anything that day; my friend that was in the hospital just got discharged and V-day is her birthday.
CK: You've got to be kidding.....
      What; is V-day the new trend for birthdays now....
     Does he know that you won't see him on that day?
FD: Yeah, he knows.
       He’s cool with it
       He gave me a hug today
CK: Well, we're looking for MORE than a hug  :^)
       You sure he's into you like that? Like more than friends?
FD: Right now, he said he just wants to have friends because he is so busy with two jobs and two kids
        --- don’t say anything to the girls. I’m going to tell them myself…. but he also kissed me.
CK: Where?
FD: In his car.
CK:  *face palm* I meant where on your FACE.
        The cheek?
        The lips?
        For how long?
FD: The lips. It seemed like forever, but it was like 5 minutes or something like that.
CK: Any tongue?
FD: *chuckle*  :$
CK: ….How long have u been seeing this dude again, Frankie D?
FD: We started to talk last week, but I met him about a year ago….at the time, when I first seen and         talked to him; I wasn’t really paying attention.
        Is there a problem with that? It happened so quickly and I didn’t want to come off as easy…..
CK: Just seems odd someone who says he wanted friends because of his job & kids sure is moving pretty fast....
      You said you met him a year ago, kept talking to him but didn't notice that he liked you.
      My question is: after you met him, did he always approach you? Sought you out? Made a lame excuse whenever you guys were in the same room?
FD: He always came to me. There were times where I would sit down at a table and not realize that his office was down the hall. He would come out and say “hey” and talk until I had to go back to studying or leave for a class.
CK: Have you guys had your 1st date yet?
FD: No, I’m waiting to see what he says about that. I’m trying to act like I’m not interested and trying to be his friend.
CK: I don't think you should go on the date alone....ask one of our girls to double date with you
FD: I will. I wouldn’t dare go on the date by myself.
CK: I still say wait ‘til he gives you a present.
FD: I am going to wait --- I want to see where this one goes; I don’t know why I’m tripping so much L    he’s just a guy…..
CK: It's the attention he's giving you. It looks REAL good when you haven't had it from the opposite sex in a while. The trick is not to get caught up & think rationally.
      That's why you've got your girls! ;)
FD: I know.
      I’m gonna handle this a little different --- I’ m going to talk to him still, but try to act like I got something better to do,
CK: Keep him guessing --- alright *chuckle*
       But, girl! My head STILL hurts from that Dating webpage.... I viewed 68 people & I only wanna meet 4 of them.
      On the plus side, one of the ones I did want to meet checked out my page J
FD: Girl, I had to tell a bunch of guys to leave me alone.
CK: I just ignore.
      What kind of guy are you looking for? Even though it's already covered ;)
FD: He has to have a great personality, must be smart, funny, serious, talented, crazy cool, sexy; has to make me smile and laugh, someone who I can bring home to meet my family, no baby mama drama; loving, caring, beautiful, sweet, honest, independent, strong; a good kisser, treats women with respect, non-abusive, forward-thinking family man with big hands and big feet. Also, he must be College educated, fun-loving, spiritual, not a mama’s boy, muscular ---there is more but my mind is wondering.
CK: Uh-huh. |-(
     Well, you've said basically every word that comes out of every woman's mouth that’s ever looked for prince charming.
      At one point u gotta settle on something.
      Now the non-abusive, no baby mama, no babies from previous relations, independence w/o asking  mama for permission, respecting of women, & educated to a point where he knows the difference between a sand blaster and a sandwich; I get that --- but the rest of it sounds like the idea of creativity block.
FD: I know….but it’s fun to think about.
CK: This dating site needs a damn filter so we can weed them out ahead of time before they even LOOK at our page.
FD: I know!
CK: Take me --- here are the guys I DON'T want:

1) Have you SEEN some of the aliases chosen?! I mean "Beast Fucker" or "Tall yet Handsome"? Take a wild guess what they want. If they want a One-fuck-and-leave-‘em chick; I got plenty of sites they can check out.
     They also have the raw NERVE to ask me for my phone number, but don’t offer the same courtesy. Here’s something you may wanna think on, gents: ANY woman w/ common sense is gonna be careful (what with the rape, abuse, unexpected pregnancies and transmitted diseases out there), plus there are so many freakin’ solicitors that know calling a cell phone is illegal w/o permission from the customer; that we’re gonna be deleting our call list left and right.

     Cheetahkit gets those people on her cell at least eight times a day after 6pm, if I don’t recognize the number; it’s gonna get ignored ---- and that’s if I’m in a good mood. Long story short: you can’t get what you do give! Send me your digits or fuck off!   

2) What exactly are they putting on their description profile --- or lack thereof?
     If you REALLY want to get someone to take you seriously; take yourself seriously & fill out the damn page!
     And while you’re at it: put a fucking pic in there!! Why am I gonna even talk to you if I don't know what you look like. I hate taking pics of myself to but I don't use that as an excuse. It’s like I’m taking to Casper --- actually, you have no idea how true this statement is; not only did this guy NOT have a picture, he didn’t have any interests; no form of contact, can’t tell if he spoke a lick of English & you couldn’t even delete him from the ‘alert’ page you were on.
Oh but I did get a name: Sexy.

No Bullshit. That was his name.

3) If they have kids already. Now, I’m not trying to discriminate based off of either they really didn’t hear about this new fad called “will power” or that they just got the wrong girl who spends time DURING the activity while texting on her phone to her girl ‘how much she can squeeze out of him in order to afford the latest Gucci earrings’.
     But seriously ---how about actually being smart for once & go for a girl that HAS kids already.  I mean a sensible guy would want his woman to have a set of her own so that he knows that the girl can change the diaper w/o freaking out about the kid’s lack of ‘aim’; but instead, they wanna be dicks & pick the one that refuses to be your handmaiden for free.
     I even had a dude who actually said on his profile: "....a girl that likes to spoil her man". Um, hello?! With all those damn kids you have (the guy had five), you’re lucky I don’t spoil your chances of procreating by doing an amateur vasectomy.  

4) Anybody younger/w-a-a-a-a-y-y older than my age.
     I don’t mind telling you; Cheetahkit will be celebrating her 30th birthday this year.
    Two of them were 24, one was 23 and another was 54. 'nuff said.

5)  Who doesn’t keep in constant contact.
      Don't just start talking to me, leave the site; then pick up the conversation the next evening like nothing happened. Not only is that rude, it shows to me that you really don't give a shit because this "relationship" is going slower than you want it --- especially if YOU'RE the one who agreed to take it slow. What? Because I don't instantly fall for your lines from the 1st conversation; I'm now wasting your time.
Yeah….dump me and go for Sultty McSkank who has the IQ of a toothbrush and a conversation of cottage cheese.

*whew* Holy damn, I wrote a lot.

FD: Feel  better?

CK: Eh.

FD: Well, we better get on with the rest of this before we lose the rest of our audience  :P
CK: Ha. Ha.
FD: ....here's our  1st question:

~hello, KIR. I need your advice - I'm trying 2 get in touch with this guy that I liked for about 15 yrs. I finally tracked down his number and called him, but all I got was his machine. I've called him twice since then and he still doesn't answer. What should i do?'
 - animefree

CK: OK, once is understandable, but 3 times?! Come on, girl! Are you desperate or something'?
       1st off, let him breathe, no need to call him so much, and secondly if he was interested, let HIM make the 1st move.
FD:  If he doesn’t answer within the next month ---
CK:  without you calling him 24/7….
FD: --- then it's HIS loss. Devotion is great...if he likes u back.
CK: Whoever you are girl, you’re better than me! I'll be DAMNED if I'm searching for some guy I had a crush on for 15 years! Chances are if he didn’t notice you then, I’m pretty sure 50 lbs., three kids and a lounge-about husband later; he STILL won’t notice.

FD: O-Kay!! This next one’s addressed to Cheetahkit. Can you try not to be so….firm with this one:

'wat up, cheetah? Here's the long and the short of it - I'm gay, been in love wit this guy 4ever, and there's a bitch standin' in my way of us bein' 2gether! He's asked me 2 marry him, but cuz of wat his friends might think of him, he's wit her. Got a plan 2 bust them up?
 Peace n' luv 4 ya'
 - Blythe23

CK: I don't do breakups, kid.
Sorry, but I'll tell u this --- don't fight it. If this girl is really a bitch as you say, then she'll get her just dues.
Y’know, you remind me of someone who went to  great lengths ( including police and court orders ) just to break some couple up because he was pining for this dude. Life's too short for that bullshit! If he can't see what a wonderful person you are from the gecko, then fuck it and move on! That's my motto!
Was that better?

FD: Very much. Last question.

'Hey. I’ve been in love with this guy since childhood. I give everything to him, but he's seeing one of my enemies. Because I love him so much, I don't argue with him. I even let him use my room when my parents are out. Tell me, is there any way that we can be together?'
- JoJo2000

CK: Uh….can u say 'Doormat'? WTF?! If he had ANY feelings for you what so ever, he would be with you. Grow a back bone and tell him off. If you can't do that, give me that fool's name and address and I'LL straighten him out!
FD: I am SO agreeing with Cheetahkit, let him go with a good foot up his ass! You have so much devotion for this guy, my question is: why are you wasting your loyalty on him?! You’re beautiful, and don't let an ass like him keep you from seeing that.

CK: And that’s all I can stand from this topic but we would love to hear your thoughts on it, fans!

FD: If you have advice for these guys, write your comments on this page. Remember, we don’t judge.
CK: If you got a story of your own, would like us to start a new topic or got questions of your own about any problem, you can send it to either:
Cheetahkit (that’s me!) – cheetahkit83@gmail.com
Frankie D – dmorris18@hotmail.com

FD: Till then,
CK: Have fun keepin’ it real!!!

FD + CK: Visit often ;)