Tuesday, May 21, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ That's F-ed Up!

The newest buzz on Twitter and the air waves is the kidnapping and sexual abuse of three young girls turned women over time. As this information was sent to us, a quote from the sender was attached~

Just heard on CNN that the 52 year old man was arrested plus his two brothers.  The men are Spanish.  A Black man saw the girl trying to break out of the house and he helped her.

They need to cut their DICKS off.

Which is why this segment is called:
“That’s Fucked Up!”

This is not the ONLY thing that had many say they give up on humanity. But before I get into that, the long and the short of this story is that the Black dude became an ‘insta-star’ by saving the girl who had escaped from the house of horrors to get help. Guy didn’t know he was partying with a sicko, evidently….no one really KNOWS their neighbors, probably why I keep to myself in my area of living unless a life is threatened --- too much stress enough to deal with what goes on behind other people’s closed doors.
Anyway, the only deep shame I feel for my race was the guy’s quote on the 911 tape that further proves some of my race’s ‘intelligence’. You wanna read it yourself, ask me for the article.


Here’s the next Fucked Up news on the same subject~

Jaycee Dugard Found After 18 Years, Kidnap Suspect Allegedly Fathered Her Kids [Article/Video]

Another kidnap story involving a Husband/Wife caper taking an 11-year-old girl from the street.
I know couples use different methods to spice up a dead marriage but, seriously?!
Worse still, they kept her like a caged wild animal, putting up fences, blocking the view of the outside world and shit. And of course, the now 29 year woman had 2 kids with the bastard {most likely forced} and lived in a couple of tents in that said back yard.
My question is --- how the HELL does no one notice there’s a 6ft fence and extra shrubbery in the back of the house?!
This wasn’t the only spotlight in this article in regards to children being taken, but it was one of the few that had a happy ending….

Next up~

  Man dressed as Cookie Monster arrested in NY [Article]

I kid you not :(
Apparently, more child abuse was given as the dude dressed as one of the most beloved characters on ‘Sesame Street’ {this show’s still around, but they cut ‘Wishbone’, ‘Reading Rainbow’ and a few others…no further comment} had pushed a 2-year-old in Times Square.
It starts out innocently enough --- family poses for a picture to amuse the kid’s greatest dream come true, but then turns sour when he asks the family for a $2.00 fee.

2 – fucking – dollars.

And then, this man knocks over the child into the street when the family doesn’t pay! This low is up there where a Super Mario character coped a feel….way to destroy what little innocence is left in the world, guys; bravo!

And lastly~
The Game says he tipped the waiter $6,000 --- The waiter says it was only $250 [Article]

The reason why this is Fucked Up is because this guy, who is some famous rapper {he ain’t THAT famous if I never heard about him}; had bragged far and wide that he dropped this big tip to his waiter that can supposedly pay his mortgage for a few years. Let’s just say, the server was figuratively being bitch slapped --- he set the record straight for anyone who would listen.
And rightfully so!
I mean, I’d be pissed myself if some ‘big shot’ was claiming on Twitter that I was his charity case.
He got what he deserved in my opinion, though the waiter wasn’t complaining; the rapper’s now looking over his shoulder for the IRS.

That’s all for this week’s rant….see ya next Tuesday :)
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ALWAYS keep it real!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

T*S*E Rant ~ WDJD #5

For this week, since my usual subjects are being retarded; I’d figure a ‘WDJD’ filler will still get my point across as well as give a sneak peek for what’s in store for the future of K.I.R.

---And for those who just tuned in, ‘WDJD’ is shorten for ‘What did ‘Josh/Josie’ Do?’ which had debuted on Wednesdays.
This segment has been on hiatus for some time due to the lack of views.
The synopsis of ‘WDJD’ is basically any idiot out there {whether on the job or in the streets} who does some stupid shit that we nitpick about.
Here’s one from a time ago where we took it from our own personal experience~

FD: In my experience, these kinds of moments are everywhere. If you just keep your eyes open, you will find it --- sometimes it happens when you least expect it.

CK: What did ‘Josh’ do?

FD: Afraid there’s more than one ‘Josh’ this go-around.

Recently I was talking to ‘Josh’ #1 on one of my dating sites. He told me that he was looking for girlfriend, but then did a 180 and said he was on the rebound because his girl died three months ago. He thought that I was dumb and desperate enough to go out with him!!!

CK: He couldn’t even give the courtesy of waiting.
Geez, it’s like you have the word “whore” tattooed on your forehead.

FD: You think that was bad --- 
On this Sunday past, ‘Josh’ #2 had told me that he loved me and really liked me; but then begged me to have sex with him. He kept at it until I told him that I wouldn't and then he got mad at me for turning him down.  

Why in the hell would he think you’d give it up after a few sentences online?

FD: Exactly what I said! If a guy wants my loving, he BETTER be prepared to earn it.

CK: I know that’s right!

FD: Oh and one day I was on my way to school running late for my class. I realized that a guy was following me. I decided that I could rush to school and be safe there.
‘Josh’ #3 ended up catching up to me and boldly asked if he could take my stuff that I had paid for with my own money and walk with it. I told him no and also told him he need to get a job and leave people alone.

CK: I agree that was creepy….but it seemed that he wanted to be a gentleman to you.
I guess he thought that by doing that action, he would win your heart.

 FD: I was just amazed on how bold some people are these days. I understand honesty and bluntness and I respect that, but damn!
What about you, Cheetahkit? You got anything to add?

CK: Well, I don’t have anything recent, so I’m gonna take you guys back in time for this one. It comes from the days where I was a naïve idealist who thought EVERYONE was rational and cared about other people’s feelings. I think it’s safe to say I woke up from that fantasy REAL quick.

FD: So, what did ‘Josh’ do?

CK: This is actually coming to you as a pair instead of one person. I’m dubbing them --- ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jackass’.

FD: Oh, Lord….

CK: This is how it started.
My second place of employment was in my first retail store that I wasn’t compelled to buy everything in sight. It was called ‘Craft Country’. Anyway, I was making conversation with a customer in front of them, nothing big; just talking.
When I got to ‘Mr. & Mrs. Jackass’, I rung them up as usual; but as I was packing up their stuff in the bags, they asked me to put the breakable items in separate bags…..AFTER I had just packed them.

FD: Ok.
What were they doing before all that? Were they even paying attention?

CK: That’s not the half of it.
Once I was finished putting the items in the bags and gave them their change, they told me they wanted to speak to a manager.

FD: For what? They wanted you to take their bags to their car like a slave?

CK: ….They said to my boss with a straight face, that I had an attitude ringing up their merchandise, talked back to them when they requested that I put the breakables in separate bags AND that I threw their change at them.

FD: Let me guess --- all cuz you didn’t talk with them like you did with the last customer?
Not like it mattered either way.
They would have complained about you being a chatterbox and not doing your job since they like to make up shit for their own benefit.

CK: How this lovely story ended was that not only did my old boss disregard my side of the story; he fired me after they left the building.

FD: ….
I see why he makes our WDJD segment.


This was before I had to do a solo act cuz Frankie D couldn’t figure out a decent schedule to stay on permanently….hope that changes by next year, she still has work to do on her segments :P
We also had a few more called ‘Vid of the Week’ which were held on Mondays and our Saturdays’ discussions; they were cut from the program as well.

The fates of these will be determined by the end of this weekend.
Just so you know~
K.I.R. will not be updating next week due to the announcement being made on the 18th.

In the meantime, peace, yall!

ALWAYS keep it real ;)